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From 25mb speed +
We offer you access to more than 8000 IPTV channels of all countries around the world, we want to make sure that you won't be disappointed.
EPG is one of our most requested features and providing a full and updated EPG has been our priority since day one. We can proudly say that we have been able to cover the majority of our IPTV channels.
We’ve made the impossible possible, with a full library of thousands of Movies & Series (tv shows) you will be able to watch trailers, read reviews and get shows' seasons details, get the latest information on upcoming movies releases. Choosing the right movie has never been so easy.
Easy to set up, and convenient to use, super clear HD view and lots of European channels. IPTV folders are sorted elegantly. Keep up the good work! I highly recommend it!
Very great channel selection and VOD’s, my family is very happy with the service. The technical support is very responsive and supportive.
Amazing viewing all the channels and films, sports heaven, Italian tv will be renewing definitely.
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